Thursday, July 8, 2010

National Education Technology Standards

After looking at the Standards and Indicators for teachers, I have found two that I would like to work on.  The first is from the standard, Model Digit-Age Work and Learning.  Indicator 3,  collaborate with students, peers, parents and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation, is one indicator I need to do better with.  I currently have a blog that I communicate with parents but this is not utilized by all the parents.  My GAME plan is as follows.  Goal- to provide parents, as well as students, a site they can visit to, and have classroom information readily available to them.  Action-  Create a blog or website for my students that parents can also access, that has classroom information on it.  This information will include, homework assignments, test dates, websites for students to visit, and classroom rules and procedures.  Monitor- I will monitor the website to see if students are visiting it.  I will also occasionally post an extra credit assignment, or secret code word that can earn students bonus points of some kind to see if they are using the site.  I Also need to monitor how often I can update the sites.  Evaluate-  To evaluate this plan, I can compare the number of missed assignments from last year to this year.  I can also compare how often I receive parent questions from year to year to determine if the information posted limits this.  I also will send out as survey several times throughout the year to ask what both parents and students have found helpful and what else they would like to see added to each site.

The second indicator I need to address is from Standard 4:  Promote and Model Digital Citizenship, Indicator: promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions relates to the use of technology and information.  I feel this is extremely important to cover with students.  Bullying, believe it or not is happening earlier and earlier in schools.  I had a fourth grader whom we had to enforce the no tolerance policy on.  Here is my plan. Goal: to provide students with an understanding of the proper rules and etiquette for using technology as a tool and for communication purposes.  Action:  create various lessons to teach the students rules and etiquette.  As each lesson is assessed the students will earn a puzzle piece.  After all the pieces for each lesson have been earned, the student will have a certificate of digital etiquette.  A Digital Driver's License for surfing the Internet and using technology for learning and communicating.  It is their passport to independent learning through technology. Monitor:  each lesson will have an online assessment piece.  This is how each piece of the puzzle will be earned.  I will monitor the scores to determine which lessons need to be strengthened.  I will also monitor the use of technology throughout the lessons and the year.  When students are caught misusing technology or being cyber bullies, they will lose the puzzle piece from the lesson that addressed the issue.  Those students will need to re-earn their License.  I will also use a survey to ask students their feels on the lessons and if they found them valuable.  Evaluate:  I will use the assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of each lesson, as well as the surveys.  In addition, as I monitor student use of technology, I can determine if they are having proper etiquette for using technology as a learning of communication tool. 

I believe by addressing each indicator throughout the course of the year, I can become a teacher whom using technology as a tool to provide students with new and creative and authentic learning experiences that meets the needs of all my students.


  1. Hi Laura,

    I like your idea of creating a blog or website that parents can go to in order to find class information, test dates, homework, etc. My school district has a website for each teacher if they want to create it called SWIFT. Have you heard of that? I recommend this teacher website if you have access to it, because it is really user-friendly and parents can go to it from the school site. The only thing I've found that can be bothersome with having a class website is if you forget to update something right away, the parents and students try to hold that against you or they come in and say, "I didn't do the homework because you forgot to post it to the website." I am now very clear in stating that the website is supplemental, and they should all be able to do things without going to the website. The website is to help them, but they are responsible for knowing what is due ahead of time, regardless if it is posted on the website or not.

    Hope this helps!!
    Good luck!!


  2. Laura,
    Many of my students do not have the internet at home so parents can not access their child's school information from home. We have a school website that has a teacher connect where parents can ask direct questions to teachers and it shows up in our teacher mailbox.
    Unfortunately, it seems that my more knowledgible students have parents that are more active and involved than the students who are less motivated students. My parents of the "good" students are involved and the parents of the "not as good" students are not and unavailable when I call or visit their home. NCLB still sucks! I am afraid you will find similar results once you implement your game plan.

  3. I currently have a parent blog that I used from April to the end of the year. I found it easy to update as the students were being called for buses. I would post test dates, field trip reminders, extra credit assignments, as well as accomplishments of students. I am luck to have had all my parents join the blog and receivevd great feedback from it. I would like to do the same thing for my students. I do not want them to use it as a crutch for assignments but reinforncement. Our students are required to use an agenda to write assignments in, so hope fully this will prevent the "I didn't do it because you did not post it" excuse. Blogs I found to be easy to use and update! Hope it works!
